Project Description
SureGas & On Demand Gas Systems
CryoVation can offer you several options for your on-demand gas needs. Typically for laser or facility high pressure gas needs, the largest difference between other systems and the is, ours can do what theirs can, and MORE. Like:
- Fill to higher pressures
- Reliability with redundant pump options
- Portable
- Smart technology to tell you how the system is running & Safety features
The CryoVation SureGas is used in many industries. Something new for this equipment is the cannabis industry as well as the extraction of the oils. Contact Us to let us know what application you have for CryoVation.
Suitable for a single Inert gas or other gases, the SureGas with PAC-1 or PAC-2 (1 or 2 pumps) can keep your laser, facility and other needs running.
For more information, see the technical information below.
If you are looking for Parts, Accessories or valves, see our parts site